Journalism Samples

"The difference between the right word and the almost right word is the difference between lightning and the lightning bug."
-- Mark Twain

Waste Management Employee 401-K advice

For Waste Management, we made 401-k and other benefits plans easier to understand. More receptive readers meant less use of receptacles for the newsletters. (Waste not, want not)

Harris Newsletter

We wrote and designed a series of newsletters for Harris Bank (now BMO Harris) advising kids about money. As Hubert advised, “Don’t leave it lion around.”

What's Happening!

That's my face on the cover of "What's Happening," the paper that publishes my column. Apparently I’m a draw, which makes sense since the column is animated and fun.

Walgreen World

This article appeared in Walgreen World with my by-line.

The Man Who Could Eat Bones

Food 4 Thought, the newspaper I write is funny and yummy with a humorous story tied into an authentic Italian recipe. Check out my columns which also appear on my blog at