Website Content
(Sticky, Clicky, Brand-Elevating)- From scratch, starting from site map
- Makeovers—money-saving way to invigorate your site by massaging current content
- SEO—keyword research, meta-tag writing and adding of keywords to content to boost your rankings
Digital Print
(Gets opened, gets read, gets results)- Online Newletters that are lively, engaging, fun, informative
- E-mail blasts with ingenious subject matter lines that increase "openings" by 30% to 60%. Super headlines, solid action-oriented content
- Blog Writing that's exciting. Check out for columns and recipes featured in "What's Happening Newpapers."
- Inventive business blogging—unique concepts and content with keyword placement
- Newsletters
- Ads
- Brochures/collateral
- Direct mail
e-Mail Sharpening
(Have Them at "Hello." Lead Them to Buy)- Regular e-Mail editing/writing to:
- Create and sharpen sales
- Emphasize competitive distinctions
- Bulletize benefits
- Get a meeting
World Class Taglines
(Beginning with Grainger, Ranging Far Beyond)- Super taglines for Fortune 500 companies, a Michigan Ave. dentist: "Bring
your smile to life" and dozens more
Concepts 4 Hire
(Inspired, Inventive, Campaign Frameworks)- Amazingly clever concepts that propel communications of all kinds, drive a campaign, make a meeting, win accounts
Sales Force Training & Communications
(Breakthrough Breakout Sessions, Unique Team- building Games, Inventive Educational Materials)- A 90-page rep binder on potassium loss turned into a murder-mystery; an awesome sales force cell-phone photo safari; cooking up team-building in the kitchen—we reign for sales training
(Funny that's on the Money for Business)- Live humor shows at McCormick place, national sales meeting skits, videos that leave 'em laughing and learning; humorous speeches for CEOs
(That Cause Commotion and Stimulate Sales)- Happy Meal Boxes for Mickey D's, BK Kid's Club Comic Book Adventures, Cereal box games for Cap'N Crunch, Life Cereal, FSI's, POP
(Names that Capture Brand Essence and Distinction)- "Common Ground"—the name for a new Elgin Community playground; "Simply Right—lighter Aunt Jemima syrup; "Head Start a la Carte"— Kraft Instant Oatmeal. You name it, (I probably did)
Elevating Elevator Speeches
(Knock 'em down when you stand up)- Work with the "Master of half-minute magic" (me) to create several 30 second elevator speeches that floor people and elevate business
So Many Samples, So Little Time
Over the course of 30 thrilling years, Jim has written for 1,250 clients on 2,650 projects, across 27 separate writing mediums.What large project can we tackle for you?